Calm Down Bag
Calm down bags can be a helpful tool for toddlers to use when they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, as they can provide a sense of control and a way to express and cope with their emotions in a healthy way.
Calm down bags, also known as sensory bags or fidget bags, are small bags or boxes filled with items that can be used to help people calm down and regulate their emotions. They are often used by young children, particularly toddlers, who may not have the verbal skills or self-regulation abilities to manage their emotions in a healthy way.
Anxiety is a common emotion that can affect people of all ages, including toddlers. Young children may not have the same coping skills as adults, and may not be able to verbalize their feelings or understand what is causing their anxiety. This can lead to meltdowns, tantrums, and other challenging behaviors that can be difficult for caregivers to manage. Calm down bags can be a helpful tool for toddlers to use when they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, as they can provide a sense of control and a way to express and cope with their emotions in a healthy way.
Here are some ideas for items you can include in a calm down bag for a toddler:
  • A stuffed animal or soft blanket: These can provide comfort and a sense of security.
  • A small mirror: This can help toddlers learn to recognize and understand their own emotions.
  • A small water bottle: Drinking water can help to calm and relax the body.
  • Play-dough or clay: Squeezing and manipulating play-dough or clay can be a calming and therapeutic activity.
  • A set of deep breathing cards: These cards can help toddlers learn deep breathing techniques to calm themselves.
  • A small fidget toy: Fidget toys, such as a stress ball or a fidget spinner, can provide a calming outlet for excess energy.
It’s important to customize the calm down bag to your child’s developmental level, iindividual needs and preferences.
Calm Down Bags: A Simple Tool for Helping Young Children Manage BIG Feelings
Calm down bags or boxes are a useful resource for helping young children regulate their big feelings and deal with their worries. These bags typically contain a selection of items that can be used to stimulate the senses and encourage relaxation.
Here are some suggestions for creating a calm down bag for your young child:
  • Pick a small bag or container that your child can easily carry or keep close by.
  • Fill the bag with a variety of items that can be used to engage your child’s senses. Some ideas could include a small stuffed animal, a soft blanket, a baby-safe mirror, a smooth stone or piece of quartz, a squeeze ball, a small bottle of bubbles, small fidget toy, small water bottle, or a set of scented markers.
  • Encourage your child to use the items in the bag when they are feeling overwhelmed or worried. They may want to squeeze the ball, sniff the markers, or cuddle with the stuffed animal.
  • You can also use the calm down bag as an opportunity to teach your child relaxation techniques, such as magic breathing like rollercoaster breathing or 54321 ground exercise. Remember that each child is unique, so you may need to try out a few different items to determine what works best for your child.
You may also want to involve your child in the process of selecting and organizing the items in the bag. This can help them feel more in control and empowered to manage their own emotions. Using a calm down bag can be a helpful tool for helping young children cope with their emotions and manage stress. It’s a simple and easy way to support your child’s well-being and promote relaxation.