Additional Facts about Sensory Gyms
Sensory gyms help children develop their sensory, communication, and motor skills. They provide opportunities for children to process sensory information in a non-threatening and fun way.
Jessica Song
If you are a parent of a child with special needs, you may have seen information on sensory gyms. Here are some additional facts about sensory gyms that can help you decide if they are right for you and your child.
What are sensory gyms?

Very often, parents of children with special needs that impact sensory processing, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), medical conditions, or sensory processing disorder (SPD), are referred to sensory gyms.

Different from typical gyms, sensory gyms can help children with special needs develop their sensory, communication, self-regulation, and fine motor skills. They provide opportunities for children to process sensory information in a non-threatening and fun way. 

Sensory gyms offer specialized play equipment such as suspended swings, rolling scooters, rock climbing walls, and trampolines intended for skill building and treatment of sensory needs. Read on for more information on sensory gyms and their benefits.

Did You Know? Facts about Sensory Gyms:

More than just a gym: Sensory gyms often contain intimate offices where children can get individualized attention from occupational therapists and other specialists. In addition to guided playtime, your child can work on whatever other skills they need to be successful.
Led by therapists and specialists: Sensory gym sessions are usually coordinated by occupational therapists, who use play and other techniques to help children with physical, sensory, or cognitive challenges improve their fine-motor skills, visual perception, cognitive skills, and sensory processing. Some sensory gyms will also have physical therapists,  speech & language therapists, and special educators on staff.
Support MANY special needs in addition to autism or sensory needs: Sensory gyms are for any child who can benefit from processing skills! While sensory gyms help children learn skills such as managing overstimulation (hypersensitivity) or understimulation (hyposensitivity), sensory gyms can also improve:
  • Fine motor skills, like handwriting, feeding oneself, or using a zipper 
  • Independence, like tying their own shoes or getting dressed
  • Other sensory skills, like balance and coordination
  • Executive functioning skills, like organizing or planning tasks
  • Self-regulation skills, like calming techniques or working on following directions

It helps to consider these facts when deciding if sensory gyms are right for you and your child. As always, consult with your doctor if you have any questions.

Popularly referred sensory gyms in NYC*:

Making Milestones

Smile Center

Sage for Children

Dynamic Solutions

Jumping Jax

Heads Up Therapy

Small Steps Big Leaps

Downtown Kids Therapy

*This provider list is informational not an indication of professional endorsement by Clay or their experts.

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