“ An ideal time to meet a pediatric neuropsychologist is if you are concerned that your child might get repeated negative feedback at school that can impact their self-confidence and development (eg, getting frequently reprimanded). Receiving tools from a neuropsychologist BEFORE your child faces conflict can be a great source of relief for both you AND your child.”
Robin Maddox
Director of Behavioral Health
Pediatric Neuropsychologists study how brain development (“neuro-”) interacts with child behavior (“-psychology”). Pediatric Neuropsychologists answer questions like:
While child therapists treat behaviors or concerns, pediatric neuropsychologists will provide detailed assessments and evaluations in every part of the child’s life, and figure out root causes for behavioral or learning challenges. They provide diagnoses as appropriate to guide educational and treatment planning.
Pediatric Neuropsychologists give a series of assessments, interview teachers and parents/caregivers, gather clinical observations, and generate a detailed report to the parent, and, if needed, help advocate for special support from your child’s school or district.
Neuropsychological evaluations are helpful for understanding…
Most importantly…
Pediatric Neuropsychologists use their training to evaluate and help to manage children with many different types of conditions, such as learning disabilities, ADHD, emotional challenges, and Autism, as well as medical conditions (e.g., epilepsy), and brain injuries.